Why you shouldn’t use a credit report provided by a rental applicant

Here is a big reason why you should never use a credit report provided by the rental applicant for an application. It is quite easy to get fake one.  Simply by Google “Fake credit report” and fill out the on-line pdf. Here is a link to one of the sites so you can see for […]

Paper rental applications? Do you know what century we’re in?

It never ceases to amaze me the number of agents, landlords and property managers that still use paper applications. In my last 2 posts I covered how paper applications can complicate Fair Housing compliance and the create personal data security problems. Today we will look at how time consuming paper applications are, how they make  […]

Personal data security dangers with paper rental applications

  In my last post I discussed the fair housing compliance issues associated with paper applications. In this post we will look at applicant personal data security dangers with paper rental applications and how to keep applicant data secure. Best practices in screening rental applicants require detailed personal information. You can check out this post to […]