Accepting Venmo For Rent Payments?

Online rent collection is a better option. Many landlords I speak to still collect paper checks for rent payments. They are beginning to realize this is an antiquated and cumbersome process. And, most tenants will tell you that they absolutely detest paying their rent with a paper check. This is especially applies to those under […]

My Last Tenant Was a Bank Robber

Over the past few months I have been getting a number calls from new landlords looking for tenant screening and asking about TenantMagic’s online rental application and background screening program. Many times they relate stories to me about not doing backgrounds checks on their previous tenants and the predictable bad consequences. One landlord told me […]

Guide to Choosing the Best Tenant Screening Service 2017 (Part 2)

In my last post, Guide to Choosing the Best Tenant Screening Service 2017         (Part 1) I wrote about  “what makes TenantMagic better than the rest of the tenant screening companies out there?”  That post looked at the importance of having comprehensive screenings to make a qualified decision when considering rental applicants. […]