Online rental applications and background checks for residential and commercial properties
Announcing in Español.
Tenants can now choose to complete their applications in Spanish
Solicitantes de alquiler
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Integrated Feature:
Verification document management.
You can request and access applicant verification documents after reviewing the completed online rental application and background check. Once the applicant completes TenantMagic’s online tenant application you can have the applicant upload pay stubs, bank statements and photo IDs within the TenantMagic program.
We have found this is the most effective way to get the financial information you need.
The applicant receives an email from you with your specific document request when you enter an Accept, Conditional or Pending decision. They then upload the documents that you can review and download as PDFs for your files.
This provides you with final pieces of information for you to make an informed decision.
TenantMagic includes an online rental application. You get our comprehensive screening reports within minutes after your applicants complete the last step in our process - identity verification.
TenantMagic is the easiest tenant application screening service available to landlords, property managers and real estate agents. It can be used for residential and commercial teant application screening.
Like magic, it only takes three simple steps to get what you need to make an informed tenant decision with our online rental application and background check.
It takes a few minutes to register and you are ready start a tenant application screening.
Simply invite the primary applicant to complete the online tenant application by entering their email address and the amount of the monthly rent.
TenantMagic is also the only tenant application screening program that offers an online tenant application in Spanish.
You are immediately notified when the tenant rental application is complete and ready for review. It includes each applicant’s application and their credit, criminal background and eviction results, in addition to credit scores and sex offender reports.
You can request financial document uploads and invite an approver.
TenantMagic provides live customer service seven days a week, earning 4.9 stars from satisfied agents and landlords.
- Included with the screening reports
- Completed and signed online by each of the applicants
- Each co-applicant receives a link to complete their own application
Credit Report
- Credit score with tradelines, late payment, collections and civil judgements
- Recommendation based on credit history and household income
- Soft pull, does not affect the credit score of the applicant's
Criminal Background
- Nationwide
- Federal, state, county and municipal
- Sex offender report also included
Eviction Report
- Reported by the eviction courts
- Includes all filings
- Nationwide coverage